
[成功日记] - 13052009

  1. 来自大山脚的新伙伴加入,透过Email Order搞定公司订单。
  2. 定购去Cambodia的飞机票(2010年2月),离吴哥窟行的目标更近了。
  3. 帮一位prospect(chris)安排星期六的预约,她也会带一位朋友一起来。
  4. 从旁协助Yoey成交第一位减重客户,重点是A-B-C法则。
  5. 开始写成功日记。
  6. 开始准备第一个梦想存钱筒,目标是Canon EOS 500D

3 条评论:

Angeline Thian 说...

good good, everything you do, we just follow you~

Angeline Thian 说...

good good, everything you do, we just follow you~ actually is nikklo type, but don't know why Angeline Thian~ but we always learn from you ya~

: Yoey : 说...

thank you & sunsun very much for my very first client ~ o^^o ~ from there i knw that i still have lot of things to learn yet i feel more confidence!

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