
[真人真事] Listen to Audrey Chan

Yesterday, I was attending HBL University - class Dream & Attitude. We are very fortunate to have Audrey Chan as our trainer. Right now, she is the Top Earner in Herbalife Malaysia. The most amazing part is, she is just an ordinary housewife with 4 children to take care! If she can do it, everybody has no reason not to do! If she has time to do it, everybody has no excuse to say they are busy!

She shared with us on one important message from Jim Rohn - "beware of the thieves outside, but never ever forgot to be cautious of the thief inside our mind. Don't let the thief steal your dreams away!"... just take this message for your life if you are able to understand it, I hope whoever read this sentences, will.

Audrey also shared with us one very important thing. There are million of people outside want to be success, even they say they need to success. But, how many of them are deserved for it? Are they willing to learn? Are they willing to follow? Are they willing to work? Or are they just giving many and many excuses? Who we want to be? Luckily, we still can make the decision.

After this training, I learned one simple thing. We can't help people to get success, if they refuse to follow & learn. Why people are not success? It is not because of their background or ability, but they are not deserved for success YET!


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